Who is Dolce Desserts E-Liquid?
Based in the UK, Dolce Dessert is an exciting new dessert centred e-liquid brand that entered the vaping world. They strive to manufacture exceptional quality, premium e-liquids in a variety of flavours, perfect for those who like to indulge in the finer things in life but also who have a sweet tooth.
How do I choose an E-Liquid flavour?
Deciding on which flavour of e-liquid to choose can be a bit like choosing your favourite ice cream. For many making the transition from cigarettes, the initial temptation can be to go for tobacco-based flavours, which replicate the brand you were previously smoking. However, you may find that some of the other vape juice flavours may be more to your personal taste.
With blends that recreate anything from your favourite caramel milkshake to the sweet taste of strawberries, there is going to be an e-liquid which you’re bound to suit your tastebuds. There are literally hundreds of flavours to choose from, you are bound to find the right flavour for you, finding that flavour profile that you can vape all day is essential. We suggest ordering a few flavours to start with and experiment with. You can view our bundles here:
Should I clean the tank when adding a new flavour?
There is some e-liquid flavour which is much stronger than others and in some tanks, the flavour can build on the sides of the tank and on the coil.
Although you might think mixing flavours can lead you into discovering the mecca of vape juices, it doesn’t always give you a great flavour hit. In fact, it can be a pretty dire experience to find the tang of banana in with your menthol e-juice (or vice versa). Cleaning your tank when you change the flavour of your e-liquid is a good idea or, here at UK ECIG STORE we also suggest having different tanks for different flavours.
Why are dessert-flavoured E-Liquids so popular?
It’s no surprise that dessert-flavoured e-liquids are among some of the more favoured e-juice flavours in the vape community. After all, who doesn’t enjoy indulging in a sweet treat from time to time? Dessert e-liquids have earned their place of popularity for a few, pretty obvious reasons:
Dessert-flavoured e-liquids are a great way to add variety and excitement to your vape juice experience, which is a bonus if you’re trying to stop smoking. There is a chance, you’ll start looking forward to sampling new dessert flavours, an enjoyable experience that will make tobacco cigarettes seem pretty boring and make it easier to switch up your routine.
There are an incredibly large variety of dessert flavours, especially when you consider creating your own custom blends. You can easily find e-liquid to satisfy every kind of craving or customize your own for unique or hard-to-find flavour combinations.