Vape Spares

Have you recently broken the glass on your tank or just looking for a new top-cap to give your favourite Dripper a new life and look? Well, look no further! Our Vape Spares department houses everything from replacement glass tanks, to o-ring kits and even replacement top-caps for RDA's.

E cig spare parts are essential to any vape kit and are a perfect way to increase the size of your standard pyrex glass with "bubble glasses" so whether you're looking for vandy vape replacement parts or e cig parts for your Smok tank our stores and online vape shop has you covered!

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Frequently Asked Questions

While you often do get a small screwdriver with many RDA’s it typically isn’t that good so quality screwdrivers are absolutely essential. All RDA’s are different and come with various sized screws, some are Philips's heads, others flat tops. Some are even hex screws and require an Allen key to tighten. A good set of screwdrivers will also typically have the diameter of them marked on the box. This is helpful and for the most part, you will be wrapping your coils around a 2mm or 3mm screwdriver.

Rebuildable Atomizer a universal term used for atomizer units containing a deck upon which coils and wicks (also known as 'builds') are mounted. The word RBA literally denotes the property of physically wrapping the coil, affixing it to the system, and adding a wick to allow for smooth vapour production.

BVC. The most notable use was by Aspire company when they launched the Nautilus BVC coils. It stands for Bottom Vertical Coil, to describe the way the airflow enters the coil at the bottom and flows upwards through the centre of a vertical coil.

The Tobacco Products Directive (TPD) or European Tobacco Products Directive is a directive of the European Union which legislates the sale and merchandising of tobacco and tobacco-related products across the EU.