
What is an RDA vape? 

The term RDA is a bit loose in the vaping world, what does this abbreviation actually mean? Some people call it a rebuildable “deck” atomiser, some call it a rebuildable “dripping” atomiser. Either way, it describes the same type of product. Actually, the correct term would be rebuildable dripping atomiser as this type of product is used for dripping eliquid onto coils that you have fitted yourself.

How do I use an RDA?

RDAs were originally made to be used for mechanical mods only, but nowadays RDA's can be used on regulated box mods as most now support the low ohm resistance coils and also provide sufficient power. Most RDAs are customisable, you can alter certain components depending on how you like to vape e.g. Cloud chasing or flavour chasing set ups.

To put things simply, using an RDA is pretty easy once you have sufficient knowledge. With a little time and patience you’ll soon be playing around with different coil builds. With these rebuildable products, you simply wrap your own coil, install it securely and then thread some cotton through so that it can soak up any e-liquid dripped on to it.

Using an RDA is more for the hobbyist vaper, and it does require some knowledge, time and patience. However, the use of an RDA can be more beneficial than the standard sub ohm tank.

What is an RDA details

Benefits of using an RDA

There are 3 main benefits to using an RDA:

  1. High performance vaping
  2. Build your coils to your desired resistance
  3. More affordable than purchasing standard coil heads.

Before pre-made coil heads were made available the only way you could get high performance vaping was by building your own coils. Although you can buy pre-made coil heads now, it still doesn’t compare to the performance you would get from an RDA. RDAs are used by hobbyists who want to calibrate their vape to their exact preference and for those who wish to vape as affordable as possible.

Example of some RDAs:

Wotofo Freak Show RDA
Smokjoy Pyramid BF RDA
Vaping Outlaws Enforcer RDA


If you require any further information or simply have a few questions on the types of rebuildable tanks we have on offer or just want to learn a bit more before venturing into the DIY vaping world, why not check out our vape guides page to learn more. We’re always available to assist you in getting the most out of your device so please do not hesitate to contact our customer services team or visit a search for vape shop near me where our colleagues at UK ECIG STORE will be more than happy to assist you.