Maintaining your e-cig is often seen as the least enjoyable part of vaping. Why would you want to waste time cleaning your tank when you could be blowing huge clouds instead? 

The answer is simply because you should.

Without the correct care and maintenance, your vape will not function properly and could potentially become problematic to use, so we’ve put together a very short guide about the most essential things to do to keep your e-cig functioning properly.

Sanitising Your Vape

Sanitising your vape from time to time should be a part of your general maintenance routine for your vape. it will help it last longer and in this time of deadly virus' and disease, its important to ensure your products are clean and safe to use. To sanitise your products we recommend using a Alcohol sanitising spray and gel. You can also use Peakgel products on your hands this will guarantee your hands are clean while you are vaping.

E-Liquids Maintenance 

  • Always put the lid back on once opened and store in a cool and dry place away from sunlight.
  • If your eliquid has formed some crystals, gently warm it up in a bowl of warm water (not boiling, as this will cause issues with the contents and the bottle).

Coils Maintenance

  • Always use your coils within the recommended wattage or temperature range, as this will make them last longer and stop them from burning out.
  • Rinsing a used coil with water can increase its lifespan for a short while; however, it is not recommended that you do this, as you may cause damage to the rest of your kit.

Tanks Maintenance

  • Try to clean your tank every other week, or whenever you need to change to a fresh coil. Tanks can become clogged over time and won’t work to their full potential unless clean.
  • When filled, store your tank in an upright position; this will prevent leaking and potential damage to your kit or any other personal items.

Mods Maintenance

  • Always make sure your mod is clean, whether this is from excess liquid or dirt. A clean mod is a happy mod, it also means you’re far less likely to drop it too.

Batteries Maintenance

  • We’ve done a full post in regards to battery safety, please feel free to have a look.
  • Store batteries correctly, in a sleeve or case.
  • Don’t overcharge batteries or use unlicensed ones, as they can be dangerous.
  • Do not use batteries if they are damaged in any way.

How To Clean a Vape Pen

You can clean the external with a cotton bud and rubbing alcohol, or washing up liquid and water for a milder solution. Then you can clean out your tank with warm water and dry with a clean cloth or paper towel.

Cleaning Vape Coils

You can clean your coils however this won't complete revive them. If you do need to rinse them you can use ethanol, or distilled water, to ensure no mineral are left behind.

This is not a definitive list of maintenance tips; however, it should be enough to keep your device working to good order as well as keeping you safe from any potential accidents. Check out our post for more in-depth guides and tips about maintaining your e-cig. If you require any further information or simply have a few questions we’re always available to assist you in getting the most out of your device so please do not hesitate to contact our customer services team or visit a vape shop near me where our colleagues will be more than happy to assist you.