World No Tobacco Day

World No Tobacco Day

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2023 Cherilyn

It's that time of year again, No Tobacco Day. This is an important day for us at UK ECIG STORE and we are here to give you all the information needed for you to understand the true meaning of no tobacco day - but also give up the tobacco for good. In this article, we are going to explore common questions about no tobacco day, and why it's so important. We will explore:

What is no tobacco day?
Why is this day celebrated?
How are WHO involved?
Steps to quit tobacco!

What's No Tobacco Day

Starting off at the beginning, world no tobacco day is an annual occasion that attempts to raise awareness to the harmful effects of combustible tobacco products and smoking.  The campaign aims to let people know how harmful smoking tobacco can be. Smoking tobacco causes around 8 million deaths each year globally.

Why Is World No Tobacco Day Celebrated?

Tobacco is the leading cause of preventable death, so this yearly celebration is aimed to promote healthy living and ultimately celebrate life! Reducing tobacco consumption from our culture will help future generations and increase the overall health of our communities. This yearly celebration informs our societies of the nasty tobacco induced diseases and encourages people to quit for good. It is celebrated by people globally in order to help people quit smoking and show them their alternatives.

Almost everyone will know a heavy smoker, and we’ve all said goodbye to family and friends too soon due to this completely preventable habit. We want people to take action and quit, but also offer support to the people that are closest to us and help them quit too. This celebration is about a communal attempt to live a healthier lifestyle.

World Health Organisation

Members of The world Health Organisation officially created world no tobacco day in 1987 in order to attract global attention to what they call 'the tobacco epidemic'. Their aim was to draw attention to the harmful result of smoking and ultimately prevent death and disease associated with smoking tobacco. In 1988, the world health assembly passed Resolution WHA 42.19 which called for the celebration of World no tobacco day, annually on the 31st of May.

Tips For Giving Up Tobacco & Quitting Smoking?

Quitting smoking has never been an easy task, but we at UK ECIG STORE, are determined to help people quit smoking and reduce tobacco consumption.  There are many different ways to live a smoke free lifestyle, however in recent news, a number of studies, have reported that vaping is the most effective way to quit smoking for good and ultimately live a healthier life.

Although there are many other nicotine containing products and smoking alternatives to help people quit, such as nicotine patches, pouches and gum. Vaping has proved to be successful in helping people quit smoking for good as it basically replicates everything smokers are used to, and in modern times vaping manufacturers are creating products that are closer and closer to cigarettes, without the harmful side effects. 

We are determined to protect future generations and create a smoke free world which is why we have an abundance of offers and bundles to suit everyone within any budget. Smokers that make a quit attempt by using vaping products are often much more successful than any other nicotine replacement therapy. Devices nowadays are determined to give you everything you would be used to with cigarettes including inhale activated draws, a satisfying throat hit and a high nicotine content, check out our collections and commit to quit.

So why wait?! Today is the perfect day to quit tobacco for good. We have a number of starter kits, pen style kits, disposable kits and many many more, to help you give up tobacco forever. 

Have you quit smoking by vaping? Share your story with us below!

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