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What is a Squonk mod?

What is a Squonk mod?

Squonking has been a term in the vaping industry for a while now and it has since made a comeback with the recently passed TPD legislation. What exactly is Squonking? Why is it used? How is it used? Read more to find out.

What is a squonk mod?

You may have heard of the phrase, but what exactly is a squonk mod? Well, a squonk mod is a device which has an extra compartment inside to fit both a battery and a small plastic bottle which will be filled with e-liquid. The fixed 510 pin has a small opening and this is connected to a plastic tube which is attached the bottle to feed e-liquid to your bottom fed RDA.

The squonk idea has been out for some time now. Since 2009 companies have developed bottom feeding designs, but generally they weren't the best and not everyone knew what they were or how they work. Remember the Kangertech Dripbox? Well things have moved on since then, and now that demand has grown and the technology exists to support it, some new devices are beginning to reach the hungry hands of vapers.

How it works?

Imagine using an RDA without dripping. A squonk mod carries your e-liquid within the bottle provided and has a tube attached to the 510 connection. This 510 pin has a small hole where the e-liquid comes out. All you then need is a compatible RDA - one with a squonk 510 pin so that you can feed e-liquid up to the build deck where your cotton is saturated with juice. See, simple!


The devices come in different sizes and styles, however they are generally in the shape of a box mod. Some of the mods can be 3D printed, like the Geyscano Squonker 50W kit, where the design is created on a computer then linked to a 3D printer to complete the build.

The RAM Squonk Mod by Wotofo is also a squonking device - this time constructed out of Padauk wood. Although it has a completely different look, it will perform in exactly the same way. It seems clear that squonk mods are set to get more and more popular.


Released early to mid November, Geekvape have jumped into the Squonking marketing releasing there Athena Squonk Box mod. This mechancial box mod comes packed with a 6.5ml silicone squonk bottle making it more user friendly to squeeze e-liquid up to your botton feeding RDA. This box mod comes as a kit, featuring the Athena RDA. Want to know more about this kit? Check out our Mods.

Are you looking for a vape shop near you? We have 8 vape shops within the London area. To find them, have a at our London locations. Visit us to find what we have available for you. We stock a vast amount of vape products such as vaping kits, mods, vape tanks, from starter kits to rebuildable RDAs and mechanical mods.

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