Vaping Near Me - Wembley
Last Updated: Feb 27, 2023 DavidShare
What do you think about when you are about to head to Wembley?
It’s got to be football, right? Home of the Three Lions and the best place to go and roar them on. The home of England and the national game. The home away from home for Tottenham Hotspur while they build their jazzy new stadium and host to the F.A. Cup Final on May 19th between Man United and Chelsea.
What do you think about when you think about Wembley?
It’s got to be football, right? Home of the Three Lions and the best place to go and roar them on. The home of England and the national game. The home away from home for Tottenham Hotspur while they build their jazzy new stadium and host to the F.A. Cup Final on May 19th between Man United and Chelsea.
Well it’s also our home. UK ECIG STORE was conceived and born in Wembley! It’s where we took our first steps. Where we learned our lessons and grew into the company that we are today. Our company was built from the passion of ex-smokers who found a way out of dependence on dangerous cigarettes and wanted to share it with the world.
These days, if you’re in town for the football or visiting the London Designer Outlet, just head past Wembley Stadium and along Fulton Road. You can’t miss the UK ECIG STORE logo, believe me! Step inside to try the latest mods from big brands like Smok, Voopoo, Aspire and Kanger, as well as a vast array of e-liquids.
So one sunny day I took a walk to see what’s new and to speak to Store Supervisor Joanne. She has worked for the company for just over a year and is committed to helping smokers make the change:
“Without question - the best thing about working here is seeing the change in the general health of our customers when they give up smoking and make the switch to vaping. They gradually start looking better and better, they are saving money and they start to feel really positive about the change they are making in their lives.”
“There’s one customer, a young woman in her early twenties who had been smoking about 20 a day. She’d recently lost a close family member to cancer and was really worried about the effect that smoking was having on her own health.”
“I showed her the One Kit as it’s an excellent starter vape device and simple to use. She tried the different nicotine strengths available at our nicotine taster station and settled on two 12mg bottles of Tobacco Royale and Blue Crush e-liquid. Six months later and she has reduced her nicotine level completely, and now only vapes 0mg e-liquids. She’s much happier, feeling healthier and thanks me every time she comes into the shop!
Working in a vaping shop, Joanne is used to hearing the stories of smokers trying to quit. She recalls one customer in particular, a man in his fifties who smoked 30 to 40 cigarettes a day and had already had two heart attacks. “His doctor had told him that if he carried on he would die, plain and simple. He was really desperate to quit and had tried a few of the first e-cigarettes over the years, but they didn’t work out for him.”
“I recommended that as he was a heavy smoker he started out with our 18mg nicotine e-liquid in the Tobacco Royale flavour, so he was getting that hit he was used to. Generally we find that ex-smokers feel most comfortable with a mouth-to-lung vape device where the inhaling action is the same as with cigarettes. Once again, the One Kit was the obvious choice. After a year of vaping he’s come all the way down to 6mg and particularly enjoys menthol flavours, which also give e-liquids more of a satisfying kick.”
When it comes to her own vaping journey, Joanne likes to keep things simple and still uses her trusty Smok AL85, with the recent addition of a brand new Prince Tank. “It’s sturdy, with some nice features, it’s everything I need. Plus the Prince tank gives a great flavour”
Like me, she likes fruity flavours. I ask her for her top 3.
Blue Crush by UKECS - See, we’re not making it up! This classic e-liquid is a personal favourite of many of our staff. Why? It’s all about the balance, and this e-juice delivers a big burst of blueberry that finishes with an extra-fresh tingle of menthol. Fresh and fruity.
Succulent Strawberry by Avant Garde - Has there ever been a bigger, redder strawberry hanging in front of your lips? Probably not if you’ve tried this juice. An elegant blend of sweet and sour strawberry notes for all you fruity fans out there.
Electro by LDN LIQ - This juice is all about the wild berries. Inspired by the capital’s dance music scene, Electro will have your head bopping within moments. Like jumping headfirst into a hedgerow - without the thorns!
So if you or your team are headed Wembley way, or if you’re just out shopping, feel free to drop in on Joanne and the Team at UK ECIG STORE Wembley - with all those new flavours to try, you’ll be pleased you did!
If you need any further information regarding any of our our products, do not hesitate to contact us today and we'll guide you through the best vape kits and tanks to help you choose your first e-cigarette! Don't forget to check out our vape e-liquids to choose the best tasting vape juices to go with your vape kits!