About Us

Who we are

UK ECIG STORE was founded in 2012 by two brothers who were life-long smokers who discovered that vaping helped them quit smoking. This realisation led to a simple goal, create an online platform that caters to all types of vapers from beginners to advanced users.

Back in 2012, vaping was seen as something new and more of a fad than something that would take-off and be successful in helping people quit smoking. The product selection available to UK customers was also very limited and the products were often not of great quality. Therefore, UK ECIG STORE decided to work directly with manufacturers to ensure that the products that were sold on the company website were of the highest possible standard and met CE and ROHS regulations. Countless trips abroad to manufacturers and many late nights in the office led to the birth of one of the most successful vaping websites in the world, www.ukecigstore.com.

Store Counter
The one kit red
Fleet street devices

The company soon started to grow rapidly in a very short space of time and this led to the first of many office moves! In early 2013, UK ECIG STORE became the first vape company to mass import USA e liquid brands as the American market was years ahead of the UK in terms of e liquid flavour development. These USA premium e-liquids saw unprecedented demand in the UK and were often sold out as soon as they were available to buy on the website. 2013 also saw the launch of the first dedicated vape shop in London which provided a revolutionary e liquid testing table that allowed customers to sample over 100 flavours before buying them. The store became a destination for vapers from all over the UK and was featured on Sky News as well as many other media channels.

The following years saw terrific website growth due to UK ECIG STORE stocking the latest e-liquids and vaping hardware and by providing excellent articles and videos to people who were interested in vaping. In 2014, UK ECIG STORE released the first version of the One Kit which still to this day is our most popular starter e-cigarette kit.

With parts of the mainstream media ,the general public and health bodies seeing vaping in a more favourable light, UK ECIG STOREs Camden vape shop was opened in 2015 and was an immediate success with the local community due to the range of vaping products offered .

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About Info Graphic
EU Flag

In 2016, the EU put forward the Tobacco Products Directive (TPD) which meant that the majority of e-cigarettes and e-liquids would be regulated from May 2017 onwards. Broad guidelines were provided to member states and each country had the leeway to implement its own interpretation of the directive and thats why to this day vape regulation varies between EU countries. Some of the major changes in the UK were that nicotine containing liquids could only be sold in bottles with a maximum 10ml capacity and that e-cigarette tanks could be no greater than 2ml. This meant that there was complete overhaul of the business at UK ECIG STORE in order to get in line with the new regulations.

Fleet-Street Outsite Shop

In spring of 2017 UK ECIG STORE launched its Fleet Street flagship vape store in the city of London, with over 3,000 sq feet dedicated to vaping products, a vape lounge and many other features. The flagship store was truly one of a kind and received great acclaim from the vape industry.

Fast forward to present day, UK ECIG STORE is still considered the leading voice in the UK vape industry and is continually looking to strive forward and focus on its core mission and values.

This year in early 2019, saw the release of a study from Queen Mary’s University which used the UKECIG STORE One Kit in its three year study to show that e-cigarettes were twice as likely to help smokers quit when compared to traditional Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT). With a state of the art website and 8 London stores UK ECIG STORE is the preferred choice for smokers looking to make a change in their lives. Our company mantra is simple; stop smoking and start vaping!

Dinner Lady Staff
Product Showcase


To persuade cigarette smokers to switch to vape products by offering the highest quality e-cigarettes and e-liquids in the UK.

To educate, inform and warn the public of the dangers of smoking and that vaping is much less harmful than smoking.

To ensure that our products are only targeted to adult smokers.

What we do

From the very beginning UK ECIG STORE has worked directly with the world’s leading e-cigarette manufacturers and e-liquid brands to ensure that we only stock products of the highest quality. From long standing hardware brands such as SMOK, Aspire, Kangertech and Innokin to more recent brands like Vype and myBlu, we cater to all. We ensure that all customers are provided with a high level of customer service and we have always maintained a high rating on review websites such as TrustPilot and Google Reviews.

Warehouse Staff
E-Liquid Showcase
Store Staff

We don’t just sell e cigarettes and e-liquids, we also educate consumers and give them the best support possible to help them on their vaping journey. We send out regular email newsletters with information about new vape technology, health studies and research.